Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Paluch, Ewa | ESL | ewapaluch2@sydotnet.net | |
Palucki, Deborah | Staff Services | deborahpalucki@sydotnet.net | 3636 |
Pandya, Hemangini | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | hemanginipandya@sydotnet.net | |
Panos, Nicholas | Desktop Computing Solutions | nicholaspanos@sydotnet.net | |
Pansino, Marie | Dual Credit | mariepansino@sydotnet.net | |
Paonessa, John-Paul | Continuing Education | johnpaulpaonessa@sydotnet.net | |
Papadakis, James | Social Science | jamespapadakis@sydotnet.net | |
Papatheodorou Schreier, Devvora | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | devvorapapatheodorou@sydotnet.net | |
Pappademetriou, Vasilios | CIS/Computer Science | vasiliospappademetri@sydotnet.net | |
Pappadopoli, Marion | Continuing Education | marionpappadopoli@sydotnet.net | |
Paredes, Ivette | Adult Education | ivetteparedes@sydotnet.net | 3259 |
Parker, Neal | Social Science | nealparker@sydotnet.net | |
Parker, Rex | Athletics | rexparker@sydotnet.net | |
Patti, Brian | Music | brianpatti@sydotnet.net | |
Pavlik, Dennis | CIS/Computer Science | dennispavlik@sydotnet.net | |
Pawlowski, Cezary | Adult Education | cezarypawlowski@sydotnet.net | |
Pechacek, Roshune | ECE/Education | roshunepechacek@sydotnet.net | |
Pechacek, John | Enrollment Services | johnpechacek@sydotnet.net | |
Pedroza, Israel | Operations & Maintenance | israelpedroza@sydotnet.net | |
Pellegrini, Daniel | Math | danielpellegrini@sydotnet.net | |
Pena, Noemi | Academic Success Center | noemipena@sydotnet.net | |
Perez, Jo | Information Technology | joperez@sydotnet.net | 3801 |
Perez, Rafael | Operations & Maintenance | rafaelperez@sydotnet.net | 3210 |
Perez, Francisco | College Readiness | franciscoperez@sydotnet.net | |
Perez Mondragon, Cesar | Network Services | cesarperezmondragon@sydotnet.net | |
Pereznegron, Jose | Operations & Maintenance | josepereznegron@sydotnet.net | |
Perkins, Adrian | Advising | adrianperkins@sydotnet.net | 3576 |
Perkins, Damiya | Academic Success Center | damiyaperkins@sydotnet.net | 3091 |
Pesavento, Vincent | Emergency Medical Technician | vincentpesavento@sydotnet.net | |
Pesole, Ryan | Continuing Education | ryanpesole@sydotnet.net | |
Peters, Kristen | English Department | kristenpeters@sydotnet.net | |
Petkova, Nelly | Adult Education | nellypetkova@sydotnet.net | |
Petrelli, Shane | Athletics | shanepetrelli@sydotnet.net | |
Pickens, Chester | Academic Success Center | ||
Pielet, Robert | CIS/Computer Science | robertpielet@sydotnet.net | |
Pigoni Miller, Dolores | Dual Credit | dolorespigonimiller@sydotnet.net | |
Pinc, Amy | Library | amypinc@sydotnet.net | |
Pinnau, Glenn | Social Science | glennpinnau@sydotnet.net | |
Piscopo, Atalie | English Department | ataliepiscopo@sydotnet.net | |
Pisto, Britt | Adult Education | brittpisto@sydotnet.net | |
Pitts, Christa | Continuing Education | christapitts@sydotnet.net | |
Pizana, Jose | Continuing Education | josepizana@sydotnet.net | |
Plazas, Cynthia | Criminal Justice | cynthiaplazas@sydotnet.net | |
Podlesak, Stephen | Operations & Maintenance | stephenpodlesak@sydotnet.net | 3210 |
Pogorzelski, Edward | Police | edwardpogorzelski@sydotnet.net | |
Polk, Kimberly | Continuing Education | kimberlypolk@sydotnet.net | 3826 |
Pongener, Sylvia | Library | sylviapongener@sydotnet.net | 3580 |
Pontarelli, Robert | Architecture | robertpontarelli@sydotnet.net | |
Pontow, Monica | Continuing Education | monicapontow@sydotnet.net | |
Ponulak, Beverly | Nursing | beverlyponulak@sydotnet.net |